Warm weather and spending more time outside are on everyone’s mind as the seasons change. However, the spring season often brings along allergens that affect your nose, throat, and eyes.

Practical, proactive steps to care for your eyes in spring can help you avoid excess irritation and make the most of warmer weather and your time outside. At Medical Optometry America, we suggest these tips for taking care of your eyes in spring and throughout the rest of the year.

1. Wear Sunglasses

Along with your skin, your eyes are also susceptible to the sun’s powerful UV rays. Any time you leave your home, office, or any other shelter, sunglasses can protect your eyes in the same way sunscreen keeps your skin from aging prematurely. This includes filtering harmful UV light that can damage the eye’s natural lens causing cataracts to develop or damage to your retina leading to increased risk for macular degeneration.  In addition, sunglasses can also serve as an important barrier from allergens that irritate your eyes, protecting your eye health in multiple ways.

When possible, opt for dark, wrap-around sunglasses, as they offer the most protection.

2. Moisturize

Artificial eye drops are one of the best defenses against dry, itchy eyes during spring allergy season. While over-the-counter artificial tears can provide relief, you may need more than simple lubrication. If you deal with chronic allergies, talk to your medical optometrist about prescription-strength drops or the best over-the-counter treatment options to help with symptoms.

3. Spring Cleaning

Believe it or not, one of our top spring eye care tips is to clean your home. Even places you go every day, like your bedroom or office, can accumulate dust and other allergens over time, and the spring season is the perfect time for some deep cleaning to get rid of it. Vacuum, mop, and wipe down every surface you can think of. You’ll be surprised at how much dust you will find and how much easier you can breathe and how this simple step can reduce eye irritation and other allergy symptoms.

4. Eat Healthy

As with all components of whole-body health, what you put in is what you get out. Your diet can support stronger sight and possibly eliminate some of the irritation you may experience from the environment. Make sure your meals are full of vitamins A, D, and E, and give yourself an extra dose of those omega-3 fatty acids to maintain optimal eye health.

5. Schedule Your Annual Eye Physical

Finally, annual check-ups are vital for long-term health, and your eyes are no different. Spring is one of the most popular times for eye exams. The doctors at Medical Optometry America are some of the most experienced medical optometrists in the region and have a full range of state-of-the-art technology at their disposal. Consider adding the MOA Annual Eye Physical to your checklist of appointments each year. Not all eye exams are created equal — MOA leverages advanced technology and clinical expertise to catch eye diseases in their earliest stages and monitor your eye health year to year. Get proactive and work with the team at MOA to do everything you can to maximize your eye health this spring and all year round!