Demodex TARSUS Demodex

Medical Optometry America


Pilot Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Two Dosing Regimens of TP-03 for the Treatment of MGD
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Blepharitis, Demodex Infestation
The purpose of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of TP-03, 0.25%, an eyedrop, BID vs TID dosing regimens for the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction in patients with Demodex lid infestation.

This Phase 2a study is a randomized, two-arm, double-masked, multicenter, parallel pilot study to compare the safety and efficacy of two dosing regimens of TP-03, BID vs TID, for the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction in patients with Demodex lid infestation. The primary objective of the study is to assess the safety and efficacy of two dosing regimens of TP-03, 0.25% from Day 1 to Day 85 in adult participants with meibomian gland dysfunction in the presence of Demodex infestation. Efficacy will be determined by assessing lower lid meibomian gland secretion, lid margin erythema, bulbar redness, tear breakup time, ocular surface staining, and dry eye symptoms.

Patient Benefit
Possible testing and treatment at no cost.
Patient Compensation
Up to $600 depending on participation level.
Participation Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Be willing to sign the informed consent and deemed capable of complying with the requirements of the study prototcol
  • Meets all of the following criteria in at least on eye: have more than 10 lashes with collarettes present on the upper lid; have the presence of one or more mites in the upper and lower lids; have evidence of meibomian gland dysfunction; have at least mild erythema of the lower lid; have tear breakup time of less than 10 seconds; and have intact partial to full meibomian glands in at least 33% of the total meibomian gland area of the lower lid

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Have used lid hygiene products within 7 days of Day 1 or unwilling to forego the use of lid hygiene products during the study
  • Have used systemic antihistamines within 30 days of Day 1
  • Have used artificial eyelashes, eyelash extensions or had other cosmetic eyelash or eyelid procedures within 7 days of Day 1 or be unwilling to forego their use during the study
  • Contact lens wear within 7 days of Day 1 or unwilling to forego contact lens wear for the duration of the study
  • Be pregnant or lactating at Day 1
Study Dates
Completed February 2023
Study Sponsor

Take Part


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